Pat on the back for making it through 2012 with your sanity intact. 2012 was not a fun year and I know you are glad to see it end. 2013 is shaping up to be a toughie but you are tougher and you will get through all the huddles that are set to come your way. Remain focused and disciplined, take the lessons you have learned from 2012 and apply them to your life, always remember to keep your head up because the race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strongest.
Be cognizant of the fact that you are not perfect and will continue to make mistakes and when that happens, take steps to right your wrongs, learn from it and move on. Keep the people who love and support you close and don't worry about the rest. Do not depend on anyone for your happiness, that will always be a mistake. Remember, if someone is not adding positively to your life, they do not need to be in it. Embrace light, seek happiness, pursue grace as these will carry you far and help you have a peaceful life.
You were given this life because you were strong enough to live it and where there is no struggle there is no strength. You are a better person for it. I am so proud of you. I admire your strength, courage and the ability to persevere where others would quit. Keep pushing because the end is in sight.
I love you so much and i wish you the best 2013 has to offer.
Go get 'em girl!
M. Sting
Unique Prayer Request
10 hours ago