I just found a blog which I can tell is going to be a hit already. It's a new blog which just a few posts, which were all interesting to me, so I thought I'd share my discovery with you guys, if you didn't know already. Naijahusband
So I am on call today, I will be in the hospital until about 7.30am tomorrow. It's just 10.30am and I am already tired. I don't know if I am fully awake yet. Got here at 7am, missed sign out, showed up at the nurse's station at 7.15am, got chewed out by the intern for missing sign out at 7am. I guess next time I will show up for sign out in my jeans and tshirt. I was there at 7 but had to change to scrubs. Well, since I got out of bed at 6.15am, it was my fault for being late. First delivery of the day, twins. I think something is wrong with the brain cos I am yet to feel the awe people report when they witness a new life come into this world.
All I see is a tortured vagina, (lots of) blood, sometimes poop or farts and generally a not very pretty sight. If I said I was going into OB, then you should be worried but since I am not, you can all relax. I considered it for a long while, now i think I was just on cheap drugs because it's not for me.
I am itchy. I want to be at home in bed, with my love......
Boredom Eliminating Post
4 hours ago