I had a 15 hr day today.
I was sitting with my hands on my head, lost in deep thought a few minutes ago and when I snapped back to reality, it occurred to me that I was sitting here worrying about my patient. You would think that getting home would be a relief, a chance to get away and decompress. That's not always the case. It's harder when u have gotten close to the patient and their family and I have realised that it's takes very little to do that.
I've always known that people love when u remember their names. Feeling that you have someone actually paying attention to you and only you or your sick relative, no one else matters at that point, just you, is very important. So when I do my interviews in the patient's room, I pull up a chair and sit down. If there is family present, I introduce myself to each one and make sure i ask and remember their names.
When I stopped by this evening in the ICU, the family was present and actually about to leave, they saw me and immediately smiled. After the attending physician finishing talking to them, as they walked away, one of the daughters turned to me and said, "you are going to make a very good doctor"
Knowing that their family member might not be heading in the right direction is really a cause for concern. I told the patient this morning before the rapid response was called to please get better, your family is so nice.... What I didn't say but was thinking is, I don't want to give them bad news. Please get well because the last thing I want right now is to have to lose a patient.
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1 hour ago
I had shivers reading this. I have to admit to you, this part of you is so.........unexpected, for the no-nonsense vibes I get from you. It is so amazing to read. They are right, you will definitely make a good doctor. Heck, you are already a good doctor, Dr. Sting!
ReplyDeleteGod bless you real good for allowing yourself be used to help and make people get better.
Heart warming thoughts. It must be real hard in your line of work to have to deliver bad news to families.
ReplyDeleteAww I've said it before. You're a softie. You're def no-nonsense but there's def a large heart in there too
ReplyDeleteP.S: I'd like to meet you though. And i didn't forget to dm a pic on IG but i use a blackberry and the app i'm using doesn't support dm *tears*
ReplyDeleteBed side manner is everything, when you are sick the last thing you need is a doctor, nurse with a nasty attitude, abrupt nature or caviler countenance. Compassion and empathy should always be at the forefront. After-all you are human to and can very well be the one in bed needing help from others wouldn't those key elements of compassion and empathy be what you will need?
I can't even imagine. I've always figured that has to be the toughest part of the job- delivering bad news". Hope all goes well your patient.
ReplyDeleteGal you are one of the few actually born to do medicine. I have found residency has made me a little more jaded and cynical. hard almost. maybe i didnt choose the right residency but your posts give me hope and makes me realize i need my exit strategy
ReplyDeleteHope your patient gets better...it guess the hard part of been a medical doctor is not medical school but the reality of practice itself.