Thanks to everyone who voted for me. I appreciate it. However, this awards has left a weird taste (not really bitter :) in my mouth. I could be content with the fact that i won, and go about my merry way but that has never been my style. Where's the fun in that? J/k. Whatever i concerns i have are in no way directed at the organisers of the award, who i admire and am very impressed with, by the way. It has to do with the people who voted and i guess the voting process. There's a flaw in there that's not working for me at all.
I'm here wondering whether i won "Best Student Blog" because i really have the best student blog or whether it's because i campaigned and knew more people than the other bloggers in my category. As much as i "campaigned" I don't want to win if i don't deserve it. I started out watching the awards on twitter and after Sarah Ofili won for best beauty blog, I went back to playing my game. I don't have anything against Sarah Ofili who happens to be on my blog roll, but it makes no sense to me that she would win when she has updated her blog 8 times this year, as opposed to someone who has updated 95 times with more beauty content that someone can actually learn from. I'm not going to speak on the other categories because frankly i didn't pay attention after that. Like i said, i went back to playing my game.
I'm not criticizing the organizers because i've been there before having organized the first one in 2009. I just think the awards has greatly evolved over the last couple of years and a lot more people are interested and participating in it. Left to me, non-bloggers should not be allowed to vote. I was looking at my timeline today and someone @kemiii or something asked "who the f is that?" after i won. I wanted to slap him/her after i saw that. What do you mean "Who the fuck is that?" What happened to "Who is that?". I've been blogging since two thousand and freaking seven. Who the fuck are you? I finally believe such a thing as "twitter bloggers" exist. I didn't believe before.
Memoirs of a woman with Chutzpah? If anyone is suspicious cheating in the awards went on, they should look at the fact that she won all her categories and know that no such thing occurred. I have never heard or read her blog before she was nominated and after nominations, i added her to my blog roll. I'm still trying to understand. I like her template. She has a sense of humor but her posts are difficult to read. There! I said it. Bite me.
Before i step off my soapbox and onto my treadmill which eagerly awaits, i have to reiterate that I DO NOT THINK ANY CHEATING ON THE PART OF THE ORGANIZERS TOOK PLACE. I think the awards has grown in leaps and bounds and as such changes to the voting process needs to take place. It shouldn't be easy for me to call my friends, family members or all my co-workers who don't even read blogs to go vote for me (I didn't do that, by the way) but apparently some people did.
With being said, thanks to everyone who really likes and enjoys reading my blog. I appreciate it. I apologize in advance if i offended anyone, it's really nothing personal.
I sayz it like i seez it.
Unique Prayer Request
10 hours ago
First- congrats on the win. I def nominated you in this category.
ReplyDeleteSecond- i had the exact same concerns as you once voting started and i saw that the entire roster was dominated by the same couple of blogs. People winning awards that only average 5 comments per post...something doesn't smell right at all lol. But it is what it is.
Congrats again on the win
i actually totally agree with you.
ReplyDeleteits pretty sad, the system is obviously flawed and something would have to be done next year to change that.
its not exactly easy to limit voting to only bloggers, most of your readers read and dont blog though. so its a tricky one.
But yeah, there would be a change next year definitely
Sting, Sting, I love you.
ReplyDeleteI was going to refrain from commenting on the awards but you have just spoken my mind. I was looking foward to this years awards until i saw the part where there was going to be a twitter award show. Na dia i comot my mind, because i knew exactly how that would turn out and it did.
This year i did not nominate, but i did vote the very few categories where i recognized the nominees. This chutzpa blog i have NEVER come across, NEVER seen her comment anywhere, only managed to read 2 paragraphs on her blog just now and i second your comment, hard to read. However somebody on twitter confirmed that they recieved BBM broadcast messages to vote for the Chutzpah blog so if she mobilized all her colleagues and church members to vote then she won fair and square, and I'm disgusted by people trying to imply any form of cheating on the part of the organizers.
I do hope that there's a way for this flaw you mentioned to be corrected, but i doubt it. I'll just say congratulations to everyone and if you're blogging just for awards maybe you shouldn't be blogging at all.
Congrats!!! You deserved it
ReplyDeleteThe awards this year was on a long thing jare...
Why can't we see proof of the voting stats? And you are so right of the blog mentioned, I tried reading it and just had to pass knowing it wasn't my taste, style or type of fun read on a daily basic, congrats on winning best student blog, how exciting for YOU?
ReplyDeleteFor me personally, I don't really care anymore about blog awards, things have change and people just do whatever with the blog VOTES, you know how our Nigerian people are, very unprofessional many times..LOL
Congratulations on your win!!!!.
ReplyDelete:* :* :*
ReplyDeleteMany congrats to you again my dear! Blogging since 07, whoa!! you suppose get mansion for blogsville with street named after u by now o! heheh--Congrats again!
congrats on your win oh!!!
ReplyDeleteHahaha now I know why you call yourself Scorpio. That was some sting gal!
ReplyDeleteI do remember complaining on Myne's blog after the nominations were out...but I also admit that I found some of the new nominees quite interesting. Change makes the world go round, my pretty, and that's where I stand.
Congratulations on your win M'am. I know I nominated thrice ;)
Congratulations sistah :D your observations.
Good observations, it's left for the organisers if they want to tweak the voting processes. Where I would want to see changes like you is in qualification. For instance 90% of the posts on a blog have to be of the category to qualify, the blogger must post at least once a month or something like that.
ReplyDeleteThat said, I like that this year's awards promo was def more twitter/BB/FB (social media) centric rather than just blogs in the sense that it promotes all blogs by bringing in new bloggers and readers. Plus, I visited Chutzpah after the nominations and subscribed cos I actually like her blog. Also, most of the blogs I nominated and voted won, so it's all good.:)
Congrats on your win...
ReplyDeleteI don't know much about the whole awards process. All I know is some blogs I read said they were nominated and asked readers to go vote, so I carried myself, logged into the thing and voted.
They announced results and I learnt Chutzpah is overall winner, so I carried myself there again, read the latest post and since I like suya like that, I added her or subscribed or something like that...
...err, which one is "twitter blogger"?
Congratulations Sting :)
ReplyDeleteYay!!! congratulations on your award,i need to start stalking you on twitter wats ur handle?? lol as for this year's blog awards my two cents i felt people took it too personal me i blog cos i like to express myself when no one is there to listen dnt really care about the awards or recognition sef,the less people that read it the better for me #shrugs
ReplyDeleteThanks guys.
ReplyDelete@my life: My twitter handle is @nigerianscorpio
congrats madam sting...kudos
ReplyDeletei LOOOOOVVVEEE YOU!!! i've spent the entire time after the awards trying to make this very point to the organizers of the awards and left a long trail of twitter posts for their attention. i know everyone thinks i'm being a sore loser, and so i'm glad that someone who actually won gets the point. i.e. being the best at something should mean you do it so much better than everyone else, not that just more people know about you.
ReplyDeletei've been dropping by your blog secretly for some time now, and i actually think you deserve the award. Congratulations!
now lord it over the rest of us for one year before we snatch it back from you (j/k). :)
GREAT WORDS sting! Sincerely... you have spoken rightly. I was reading a blog today where the guy was ranting and accusing the organizers. He was just oozing a lot of pride in his words and that left me disappointed.
ReplyDeleteI like your suggestion about non-bloggers not voting. It'd ascertain some sort of credibility. It is also possible to have a panel to set up a criteria for each category such that each blog is marked against the set criteria. That's my own suggestion. What do you think?
Memoirs of Chutzpah won the Most Inspiring Blog Awards - I am not dismayed or anything but I would have loved it if a motivational blog actually took that award home instead of a 'gist' oriented blog. U know what I mean?
Congrats Sting...
Yay!! Congratulations!!! I only just saw this post (imagine)
Muse Origins
Muse Origins (formerly The Corner Shop)
Great post. Spot on! The amazing thing is I thought this whole awards thing was all done in fun.. Apparently some people took it quite far..
ReplyDeleteLike I wrote in my blog post, it would be pretty delusional to imagine that I am the best writer in Nigeria because my blog won Best Writing Blog. The wards are what they are... when the parameters change, then they would be judged differently.
Congratulations on your award.
Congrats on your award Madam Scorpio. I do get a lot of traffic from your blog which I appreciate! The Nigerian Blog Awards? Hmmm, the less said the better. Some good blogs won though
ReplyDeleteEsco (Literati: Satires On Nigerian Life)
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