Two things happened today. The first one i can't share but i was seriously hurt. Surprisingly, i have been able to brush it off and not internalize it or take it too personally. I've come a long way from letting how people treat me affect how i feel about myself. Yay for progress. The second thing, i just have to share. So i've taken myself to the library 3 days in a row in a bid get out the house and actually skim through the books i planned to look at this summer. As i was leaving the library this evening, there was a man who was waiting for the elevator with me. I said hi to him and turned the other way, so when the elevator came, i didn't realise it and barely dashed in before it closed. He laughed and teased me about it and i said i wasn't paying attention. Then he asked for my name, and when i told him he said that was his name too. Then he asked if i was Nigerian and i said yes......
He asked what i was doing at the library and i told him i was a med student on break and just wanted to look through some books. Come to find out he was a medical doctor studying for the Step 3. I said cool. Then he asked for my number so he could call me so we could talk. This is where mistake numero uno happened (i should have asked for his number instead). Then he asked me if i went out and if i wanted to go to the movies. I had already given him my number so i asked him to call me and we can figure that out (Evasion tactics). Now, this wouldn't even have been gist if the guy did not look old enough to be my father. Ok fine, i exaggerate, but the dude is late 30s/early 40s and he looked like a married man. I mean, for a Nigerian man it is highly unlikely that he's not married or at least divorced. I would be surprised if he is single. This is where mistake numero deux happened cos i failed to look at whether he wore a ring or not.
Regular me would ignore his calls and not go to that library any more. Bored me, is trying to figure out if i should "play" with him or not. I don't see myself going to the movies with him, he looks entirely too elderly for my taste but i want to talk to him and ask how old he is and if he is married. Yes, i am that bored. Should i play with him or stop looking for trouble? The first trouble that i found is troubling me back so my track record of looking for trouble this summer is poor.
On the real though, why couldn't it have been a cute, age-appropriate medical doctor driving a BMW that i met today (old man's stats, not that i care about cars). What is wrong with the universe? I go vex o!!!!!!
UPDATE: I am such a dork. I'm so freaking lily-livered. I'm sitting here laughing at myself, right now. I woke up this morning with a clear head and absolutely no desire to "play" with anything or anyone for that matter. I'm lying here, playing a game on my computer and a call comes through. I look at the number and my heart skips a beat (in actuality my heart cut as we say in naija) because i just knew it was him. Fear no let me pick the call, cos i have to be in a certain mood/frame of mind to bullshit anyone. He left me a message and the long and short of it is, i don't think i can go to that library anymore. Chei! I like that library cos it has free parking and wi-fi. Which kind wahala be this? As much as i have a sharp mouth, i don't know how to be rude to people just like that (unless we are fighting, then i have no qualms being rude to you). The guy sounds very mature on the phone, not mature like mature but mature like my dad. LOL. Me no likey at all. I mean i could talk to him and keep it platonic and professional, but i don't think that's where his head is at.
Unique Prayer Request
10 hours ago you use the same evasion tactics as me? Oh, i wish on your behalf that it was a cutie that approached you...
ReplyDeleteLol i think most girls use the same evasion tactics,i say if ur bored gist with him to while away time u never know and besides all these youngins are....... ugh!!! and i wonder wer the cute reasonable ones are hiding :( if u find out let me know lol *winks* and plix plix plix dnt vex
ReplyDeleteI get that boredom checking him out thing! I do it myself but I'll say let the guy go I bet my last 50p he's married! have you checked out my Blog?
ReplyDeleteLol...stop looking for trouble oo. As my mother will say "do not smell what you clearly know you will not eat" there is no point biko.
ReplyDeleteDo not look for trouble. Stay well clear....remember curiosity and the cat? About the boredom, fancy another round of cluedo?
ReplyDeletelol@ "On the real though, why couldn't it have been a cute, age-appropriate medical doctor driving a BMW that i met today...."
ReplyDeletenothinf is wrong wth the universe sis, things just do not always go the way we want always...
pls look not for trouble o....
ReplyDeleteAbeg dont look for wahala
Dont 'play' with him
talk with him, what's the worst that could possibly happen
ReplyDeleteSince he is in the same field as you, he may turn out being a useful contact. Just keep it very very platonic. He's probably married. you should ask
ReplyDeleteI totally understand... but please dont play with him if you are not ready to go the long haul.. I'll pray that the BMW doctor comes along fast...
i have a 35year old friend who is not yet married, so he might not be.
ReplyDeleteEvasion tactics,I think we all use it.
Haha!! Keep up with the evasions. You can talk to him but refuse all his date suggestions. He'll get the message lol
Muse Origins (Creative Nigerian Features)
Muse Origins
I would have said satisfy your curiosity, find out if he is married, then drop it like its hot if he is taken. But it seems you don't send him taken or not
ReplyDeleteReally, where have all the single young men gone? :((
LOL...Ask him only if you are interested. Why heat the oven when you aint ready to make the roast? :)
ReplyDeleteHAHA... I'm only laughing at u now. You for give am fake number now.
ReplyDeleteI know right, just say hi to him and keep it at a friendship level, in the end it might not hurt, thinking too serious about this relationship thingy o, the Lord is in control of the universe, he would send you the right type of man :=)
ReplyDeletelol sting. Do and get a man already. All the good guys are going sharp sharp o!
ReplyDeletelol @ 9jafoodie's "do not smell what you clearly know you will not eat" Some kinds of fun are just not worth it.
ReplyDeletelol i would play with him like u said to while away time..and hey just for the sake of curiosity to know about his age...especially when ure bored like u could end up being a good laff...esp when u know ure too good for an old man like the risk is old men his age never know when to back off until u insult them mschheww