Yes!!!! Welcome, welcome. Gather round, have a sit, you don't want to be tardy for this party.
So instead of taking a nap like i needed to cos i have this pounding headache, i turned off all the lights, and sat with my computer in this dark living room trying to figure out how to get threaded comments on this here blog, without having to switch templates. I really like this template and as simple as it looks believe me when i say i have tweaked the hell out of it to get it to look like this. I spent a good part of my christmas or summer break (can't remember exactly when i changed it) doing it. Blogger templates are way too meh...for my liking. I had attempted to change it to a blogger template, just so i could get threaded comments but i just couldn't. It was too painful.
Well, I did it! Thanks to google and the power of HTML customizations, I DID IT. Tres excitant. Highlight of my day 4shur!
I'm excited. Woot woot!!!!!
Yes, i know........ My life is boring. Good night.
I need to go properly nurse this headache.
*Ehen before i forget, someone needs to help me figure out why i am always HUNGRY. I eat and before i sit down again to start studying i'm ravenous again. The devil is after my life.
**Apparently there is a much easier way to fix the threaded comment dysfunction on a customized template, but of course i picked the harder one where u have to tweak the HTML code manually. Thanks to Myne i realised it wasn't working for new posts. But it's been fixed and all is well with the world again and you can now rate my posts and all that good stuff. Cool, cool, cool (nod to Community ;) that's my new favorite show btw and i have managed to watch all three seasons in two weeks)
ETA: I need to get serious with my life. So these gratuitous posts have come to an end. It would be best with a took my blog offline like i did over the semester, but the undercover ninja, Honeydame would have my head if i did that. LOL. I love that girl! Ok, seriously. I have been too relaxed. I'm behind schedule and since i have been roped into going to get sushi today, i need to activate beast mode, so i can deserve that break. So it's official, i'm getting serious! :)))
Unique Prayer Request
10 hours ago
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