I'm sure you all have all heard about Gabby and her hair controversy after she won the gold medal in gymnastics. To say i'm in shock would be an understatement. Are these people for real? I keep looking at her hair and i find nothing wrong with it for a 16 yr old gymnast, who is pretty much going to be flying around and needs her hair to stay in place. WHY is her HAIR of all things even an issue? This hair issue is getting out of hand in the black community. RIDICULOUS. First team natural vs team relaxed, now this? I think all AA women have lost the right to hair at this point. They should all go bald, so we can hear word and maybe have some peace. I'm so sick of African Americans and hair! Christ!
I'm sorry to say, but this is a perfect example of why *black people as a whole will never amount to much. Simple minded bitches. Instead of them to celebrate this young girl who has accomplished something major, they find something to criticize. Hair?!!!! They can't even stand together and be proud of their own. Of course, i know it's not all black people cos there are many of them too who are appalled by this, so this is directed at those who have something to say about Gabby's hair. You all need to just go dig a hole and bury yourselves. Get a freaking life and set your priorities straight. I can't with these people.
Nigerians vs Ghanaians.....what's up? I didn't know we hated each other so much. Tell me why the annihilation of the Nigerian bball team by US turned into a war between Nigerians and Ghanaians on twitter. I'm sure a lot of it was in the spirit of fun and we gave as good as we got, but i read a tweet that left me cold at the callousness of it.
The tweet about the plane crash was just wrong. I couldn't even get upset. I was just curious about the person who was capable of forming such thoughts and being comfortable enough to write it out. Not too impressed. I really didn't know Ghanaians hated Nigerians this much or we hate Ghanaians so much. How stupid is that? I think it's really stupid cos we are all Africans. Anyway, whatever, i don't have power to be hating a group of people for whatever reason. That's the height of joblessness. I love all my African people, don't care where you are from. Stop the madness people.
*black people = African/black American people. In the interest of clarity let me add this. First, i stand by my statement. When a community of people who are a minority to begin with can never come together to celebrate their own and are instead have individuals who are in the business of tearing each other down, there is a problem. I vividly remember when Obama was running for President, certain BLACK people coming out to saying he wasn't black enough or he wasn't really black. I watched that mess on TV and heard it with my own ears. Now someone won a gold medal and they are talking about hair. I see a lot of self hate going on, granted there's a historical context to that. So of course i'm not referring to individual black people because there are millions of them who are doing their thing. After all, when the rest of the world wants to label us as crooks and fraudsters, they don't care whether every Nigerian is into 419, that's the collective reputation we all have because unfortunately, we have a lot of princes that are in the business of dying and leaving money behind to be transferred.
Unique Prayer Request
10 hours ago
So shocked about the comments from beauty & brain.....so much VENOM! I just can't think around it..wondered if it is a rooted hatred from the 80's when Ghanians were sent out of Nigeria, hence the popular sack bag, named GHANA MUST GO? Or because of the way some bad eggs have portrayed us outside the country? ...it is so daunting.I had Ghanian teachers when in primary school, and our private tutor at home was a Ghanian, likewise our maid, and i liked them all, because they were intelligent people. So it baffles me. *heavy sighs*..we have our flaws, but to be happy over the death of fellow human beings, shows so much BITTERNESS!
ReplyDeleteAs for the Douglad gal, i was also taken aback by the attack on her hair...kilode?? wetin?? someone competed against very good opponents to come to the tops and instead to be jubilant that an AA won just as OBAMA,won, they are complaining of hair!..shows how superficial and fickle their minds are!Why am i surprised, when they spend most part of their money trying to look good, but some still turn out looking, like wetin motor do jam finish! They change hairstyle every 2 weeks, though jobless! The men refusing to work, instead doing swagger oshi!! ..mschew!
My sister, na wa o. That is some serious venom right there. She get mind. As for AA people and hair, I seriously tire for them.
Deleteha! you don change your name again??
ReplyDeleteScorpio- madame sting- dame sting, now HERB WOMAN!
hMMMMM, wetin happen?...oya gist me :)
I like to spice things up. This is temporary sha. I will be changing it again.
DeleteI saw the name change too and was like, "Huh??" We are waiting for gist ooo
ReplyDeleteAbout the whole hair controversy and Nigerians vs. Ghanians...**drops my deodorant that i used as a mic and walks away**
For Miss Beauty and Brains...may that which she seeks forever pass her by. May she watch those behind her become those in front of her.
Lol @ mic for deodorant. No gist to the name change except for boredom.
DeleteBlack people as a whole? Because of idiots on twitter? I take issue with that statement.
ReplyDeleteSeems like there was a break in transmission somewhere cos my statement about black people as a whole and the stuff from twitter are talking about two different incidents and groups of people.
DeleteThe internet brings out the worst in people and that's my excuse for staying away from Twitter and Facebook
ReplyDeleteThere's only so much bile a human being should be exposed to. Blogger is enough.
That aside, you must understand that those with the lowest self-esteem always look for ways to bring others down. Most likely those that complained about Gabby's hair have issues with their cultural identity.
Likewise, Ghanaians who have issues with Nigerians have low self esteem and secretly admire the bravado Nigerians display.
It is what it is. Delete such people from your memory
Re: 'Herb Woman'
ReplyDeleteI hope the next iteration wont be Juju Mama LOL
gbam, my thoughts exactly, especially all these stupid hair teams, jor oh do you, the ghana vs naija thing, i thing Ghanians have some kind of complex, i mean when I still lived in naija I never really heard people talk about Ghanaian people in any malicious way, but coming here all my Ghanian friends talk about is Nigeria, and how they hear Nigerians are like this or like that. Smh, "why can't we all just get along"
ReplyDeleteNawa oh..Are you serious? her hair? when I was watching the game, I was so proud, it was my first time of following the gymnastic all through.I was so proud, she was even nicknamed the flying squirrel..Some people sha, na real case of misplaced priorities..With this display of studpidness thats how they start hittng on the young girl self esteem..God forgive them sha..
ReplyDeleteAs per the Naija vs Ghana thing, when I saw that comment on another site, I was just weak to even think about how some people mind run sha..Lord help us..like "I" wrote, when I was back home the highest I heard about Ghanaians was shoemaker or teacher or good english speaking people thats it. They make really good teachers no lie.but when I relocated, its like Nigerians did them evil...ha well..to each his own..
Madam Sting stop changing your name o, if u like change your name from now to infinity, I still want my cheque once the mula start coming..:)
*in shock* I am still trying to get over the fact that someone actually tweeted those words. Is there that much cruelty in the world? Apparently, there is......And what is this about Gabby's hair nitori Olorun? Ok, let me try to figure it out by reading some more cos I have just been graspoing bits and pieces about it from people's comments. I am almost afraid to find out. *exhaling* PapaGod, please give me peace.
ReplyDeleteMehnnn those tweets sting.
ReplyDeleteIt is Nigeria versus the rest of Africa...the hatred is so much and this girl sure did not know when not to cross the line. Those tweets of her is just too stupid.
ReplyDeleteAs for the trolls commenting on Gabby's hair...I think African and African-Americans need to grow up and see the world beyond their hair and outfits.