I'm going to try to blog everyday (ha!) for the rest of this month. I
need to force myself out of this funk. I still haven't told you guys of
my Munchausen's/malingerer of a patient who wanted to get his jollies off me. As in!!!
This man wanted to use me to catch trips. Hai! I'm still pissed just
thinking about it. PISSED! I don't know how long it's going to take for
it to become funny but it's been two weeks and it's still not funny. I
ranted to everyone who would listen.
hindsight, i'm glad i wasn't so gentle on his rectal exam, at least not the second time i had to do it to make sure there was no blood. If only i
had known then what i know now, i wouldn't have used lube!!! Idiot.
Next blog post!
I got BBM too!! I'll add you! And eww to your patient.